Friday, May 31, 2019

The real culprit

      Forget Cheetolini and his gang that can't shoot straight.   He and his henchmen are a laughable blemish on our democracy and in a normal universe would have been booted out of office by now.   This would have gone a long way toward correcting the travesty of the 2016 elections, although Hillary Clinton might not feel that way.
      The point I am trying to make is tRump is being enabled by the GOP majority in the Senate and specifically by the majority leader, Mitch McConnel.   When his televised answer to the question of whether he would confirm a Supreme Court nominee for tRump during his final year was a smirking affirmative, both the Divine Mrs. M and I both uttered an expletive regarding McConnel's illegitimate parentage.  
       Not content with bottling up legislation passed by the house and confirming numerous unqualified but ideologically right wing judges, Mitch seems hell bent on enabling The Donald's worst impulses with a fiendish glee.   As the House comes closer and closer to an impeachment inquiry, McConnel and Lindsay Graham have said they will make a mockery of their duty to try the president*.  Although tRump will have the scarlet letter of impeachment attached to his name for the rest of time, he need not fear removal from office before 2020 at least.  May the Flying Spaghetti Monster help us all if by another fluke this menace to democracy gets another 4 years.  It will be forever on McConnel's legacy that he dug the grave for the American experiment.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

On impeachment and "molecules of freedom"

    Yes democrats, there is life after impeachment.   Robert Mueller practically begged Congress, or at least congressional democrats to as one pundit put it "do your damn job" and impeach the emperor cheetolini.   We all know this is a fool's errand as long as Mitch McConnel and Lindsay Graham are in the majority in the Senate, but justice must be served if the rule of law means anything in the 21st century.
     Meanwhile, in energy news, the undersecretary of the DOE announce we will step up the export of "freedom gas", aka liquefied natural gas from a new facility being built on the gulf coast near Houston.   These "molecules of freedom" will supposedly supply our allies with clean energy.  Forget the fact that the fracking which produces the clean burning gas releases enough methane to more than cancel the beneficial aspects of the primary product.   Ah, I can smell freedom fries as I write this...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Saving ourselves

The commentary on the political left post Memorial Day is unremittingly bleak.  According to some we are "careening toward totalitarianism".  Others speculate on the imminent demise of Roe vs. Wade and possibly Griswold vs. Connecticut which allows for contraception.  Of course tRump and his enablers in congress, the media and the religious right are blamed for these outrages.
   What many of the despairing commenters seem to agree on is the impotence of the citizenry and our representatives to do anything about the situation.  The quixotic turn by Justin Amash, who defied GOP congressional leadership and called for the opening of an impeachment inquiry is perhaps the opening salvo of the reaction to the president's* perfidy.
    Amash alone can't lead a republican renaissance, but I'll bet there are more than a few terrified members of his caucus who may take heart in his principled stand.   It would only take a handful of republicans in the House and Senate to bring the whole house of cards down.   The leadership knows this and will do everything in its power to halt any sort of dissent to the party line.
    It is up to ordinary Americans to make our voices heard in this time of maximum danger to our democracy.  Let your representatives and senators know you are part of an informed electorate and that you expect justice to be served.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Talkin' bout my generation

     I usually have no patience with those who bash the baby boom generation as the drivers of all that is bad in our culture.  I remember the late 60s and early 70s as a time of optimism.  With the Vietnam war winding down and the new consciousness of the fragility of our Spaceship earth it seemed my generation was poised to make the world a better place.  The inauguration of the first boomer president, Bill Clinton epitomized that attitude.
    Flash forward to the "tea party" revolution of 2010 and the nasty racism that undergirded the movement and the shine of the boomer babies was tarnished.  Climate change denial, the aforementioned racism and misogyny shook  my faith in boomers.  Having grown up in a small town, I knew many of my friends were raised in conservative households.  It should have been a tipoff as to how their political views would harden over the years.  Boomers made up the larges single voting bloc for the abomination now seated in the Oval Office.
     A NYT story about how the administration is systematically undermining the work done by the EPA on climate change has further undermined any defense I might make for the boomer cohort.  For every Bill McKibben who has done groundbreaking work on the menace of carbon emissions there is a James Reilly, a former astronaut and petroleum geologist who has used his perch at the EPA to decree that long term assessments of global warming only extend to 2040.   As he well knows, the pace of warming will pick up drastically at that point.  He wishes to delay the story of climate change until most of his and my generation have passed from the scene.  I will be 89 in 2040 if I am still alive.  The youngest of us will be in our late 70s at that point and will probably not face the reckoning our inaction will doom our children and grandchildren to experience in the latter half of this century.
     If there is any salvation for my generation it will be in working for the defeat of the present administration and in the support of the policies which will keep the world from tipping into drastic climate change.   I hope we are up to the task.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Is this what they died for?

    I have written quite a few blog posts concerning the Memorial Day holiday and its connection to me and the broader American public.   I am deeply conflicted that many patriotic soldiers served their country well and died heroic deaths in the service of what has mostly been an egregious policy of Imperialistic aggrandizement.  Many, myself included, bow to the overarching theme of the national observance and content ourselves with expressions of gratitude to friends, neighbors and relatives who have served in the armed forces.   I hope everyone who takes a moment to commemorate the fallen today also asks why so many have given the last full measure of devotion to causes which served armchair warriors who lead us into quagmires for the benefit of a military-industrial complex which virtually dictates our foreign policy and enriches the few and is enabled by the sacrifice of an increasingly isolated professional fighting force.

Friday, May 24, 2019

The first amendment is for everyone

    Even Julian Assange should expect his first amendment rights to publish freely to be respected.  Now, in a delicious ironical twist, tRump's DOJ is charging Assange with publishing military secrets under the espionage act.
     I'm sure Assange, whose control of Wikileaks and his willing collusion with Russia to reveal damaging e-mails hacked from the DSCC, felt his fellow rat fuckers in the administration would keep him safe.  Unfortunately for him and also for freedom of the press, the authoritarians in the administration are looking to establish a precedent which will chill investigative journalism in this country and around the world.  Reporters will have to think very hard about the possibility of a long jail term before printing information the government would prefer to hide.  Using Assange as the face of this assault on Americans' freedom is meant to blunt criticism a more sympathetic figure would generate.
     In other news, I want to shout out Happy Anniversary to the Divine Mrs. M.  She has been putting up with me for 44 years and I dearly love her for that among a multitude of other qualities.  I consider myself a very lucky guy!

Thursday, May 23, 2019


    Once again, the schoolyard bully got his nose bloodied and in a predictable move took his bat and ball and went home, leaving the rest of the team staring in stupefaction.
     After bragging about his plan for an infrastructure spending deal, tRump left his meeting with Speaker Pelosi and Minority leader Chuck Schumer and spent a few minutes in the Rose Garden dishing on the democrats and saying he wouldn't do anything until all investigations into his finances and administration were ended.   This provoked most liberal commentators to compare our present occupant of the Oval Office with two past presidents who were investigated.  Both Tricky Dick Nixon and Bill Clinton made an ostentatious effort to look presidential in the face of continued investigations by Congress.  Both presidents signed numerous bills during and in Nixon's case just before he resigned in the face of certain impeachment and removal.  Now comes tRump and his cohort of criminals.
    As we get closer and closer to glimpsing his tax and financial records, The Donald is in a flop sweat.   I think the possibility of a "wag the dog" war is a grave possibility.   I also wouldn't put it past the president* to attempt to use the DOJ to dig up dirt on his opponents.  The next few months should be interesting in the Chinese sense of the word.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Tackling climate change

    Kevin Drum of Mother Jones highlights a new study by the science journal Nature today.   The study polls ordinary people by asking them if they would support a carbon tax.  Nearly 70% of respondents agree we need something to help us cut down on our use of fossil fuels.  When confronted with the personal costs of such a tax, support immediately plummets.  As Drum points out, the erosion of support occurs without any of the negative advertising the petroleum industry would deploy in the real world.
     Unfortunately, this tracks my own real experience with the existential threat of climate change.  Most people, myself included want to do something, but as we know, turning down the thermostat and growing our own vegetables will have virtually no impact on the situation.  The big solutions, from home insulation to alternative energy to the aforementioned carbon tax will cause economic pain to many.  As Drum has said before, if we can be made to feel good about it and it causes minimal disruption to our way of life, fighting climate change is a feel good twofer.   Now, if we can only summon the political will to empower our government to take climate change as the number one problem facing our grandchildren's generation, we will be on the way to making a real contribution toward our species continued existence.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Gardening dilemma

    As the days of spring accumulate and we get closer to June, much of my gardening space remains too wet to plant.   More showers and thunderstorms are predicted during the next 10 days which will keep the already saturated soil in that condition.
    In all my experience gardening on Long Island and in the North Country, there has always been at least  one dry period in April and May which allowed the soil to dry out.  In many cases irrigation was necessary to get seeds to germinate.   At least so far this year we have not had a break from the cool, wet weather.   I hate the idea of abandoning the heavier, wetter soils which make up a pretty good percentage of my summer garden, but as the drop dead date for transplanting winter squash and seeding longer season crops like corn looms, that may be what i'll have to do.  
    I may just be an avid gardener, but many commercial farms in this area will have to make the same choices.   Many farmers count on the window of dry weather to plant corn and soybeans on the heavy clay soils which constitute the bulk of the arable land in Clinton and Franklin counties.   They may have to "mud" the seeds in.  This results in soil compaction which will impact yields if the seed does not rot in the overly moist soil.  Is this what climate change looks like at ground level?

Monday, May 20, 2019

The end of GOT

    While I was a late convert to the HBO version of George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire fantasy books, I was onboard for the final two seasons and finished watching the series finale last night.  In some ways it was satisfying and others terribly wrong.  If you have not watched the final episode ( and I can't imagine you haven't) spoilers follow.
      I have compared, and I imagine Martin did also, his fantasy with modern day politics.  If you substitute electoral defeat and media defenestration for sword cuts and dragonfire, you can picture some of the characters as modern day politicians.   Sansa Stark especially captures the long slow climb from frilly female also ran to her final gig as Queen of the North.  We can only hope that life imitates art in 2020.
      Less believable, but also hopeful is the disposition of Dany Targaryean by her nephew/lover Jon Snow, alias Aegon Targaryean.   Her death and the melting of the Iron Throne by her grieving dragon is a foreshadowing of the end of the tRump presidency although Dany is a much more sympathetic character than our president*
     The elevation of Bran Stark to the throne was unexpected, but to me at least ultimately satisfying.  The character with the least human empathy is now in charge of the millions of citizens of Westeros.  There is no way this happens in real life unless a similarly lackluster but knowledgeable VP becomes president through succession due to the death of his running mate.   This is where the comparison of GOT to real life breaks down.  I await the final books of the series to see how Martin handles the character arc differently from the TV producers.  

Friday, May 17, 2019

Wars of choice

      America seems to be on a war footing.   The administration is moving forward on several fronts.  It is continuing the war on women with its tacit approval of anti abortion measures being passed by GOP controlled state legislatures.   tRump and his minions are ramping up their war against democracy as they resist the democratic controlled House's legitimate oversight role.  The trade war with China continues apace with unknown future consequences to the world economy.  Finally, the moustache of war, John Bolton, is greasing the skids to prepare for a shooting war with Iran.
      All of these wars are troubling, but the possibility of conflict with the ayatollahs should by the number one horror to avoid at all costs.  The only possible way for the US to avoid the pain and ultimate humiliation of a ground war is the pre-emptive use of nuclear weapons.  Such a plan will make America an international pariah and result in the loss of whatever claim this country has to moral leadership in the world.  I would urge everyone who reads this to write or call their congressman or woman and register their revulsion toward a conflict with Iran.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

First they came for your abortion rights...

    And so it goes.  It seems we will now have Sharia law in Alabama.  Are mandatory headgear requirements, ala The Handmaid's Tale next.  Don't be under any illusions that republicans in other states will repudiate Alabama's latest assault on women's right to control their own bodies.  Of the 22 states where the GOP controls the state legislature and governor's office, 11 have enacted or are in the process of drafting laws which limit or ban abortions, even in the cases of rape or incest.
    It seems the election of tRump has emboldened the anti-abortion movement in ways not seen since the early 90s of the last century.  While a solid majority of the country's voters believe abortion should be legal and safe, a vocal minority would turn us into a country where the state is authorized to peer into every bedroom and physician's office and make judgements over basic health care procedures and negate a woman's ability to choose the path that is best for her and her family.
    Make no mistake, this is an assault on women's status in society, reducing her from a position of social and economic equality to a second class incubator of babies.   The irony of the situation is republicans are happy to force women to give birth, but refuse to accept any social responsibility for the resulting citizen, except to punish them if he or she breaks any laws.  May the Flying Spaghetti Monster have mercy on their souls.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Our Socialist, Sharia, know nothing party and its propaganda arm

     Republicans in Alabama let everyone know what their real agenda is concerning abortion and women's agency; namely, women have no control over what goes on in their bodies and they must be punished for their sexuality by being forced to give birth to any fertilized egg implanted in their wombs by whatever means, including rape and incest.  The legislators gave the lie to their supposed reverence for life by declaring that eggs fertilized outside a woman's body in a IVF procedure could be allowed to die.  Georgia legislators went one better, declaring a woman who has a miscarriage could be imprisoned if she caused said miscarriage.
      Meanwhile, farmers in the Midwest will be paid for their soybeans by Uncle Sam since they can't sell them to China and the current market would bankrupt many of them.  As anyone who has dealt with our president* where money is concerned can tell these farmers they probably shouldn't take Cheetolini's promise to the bank!
     Finally, my favorite democratic candidate for the presidency, Elizabeth Warren refused a town hall on the Faux News Network and issued a blistering critique of its business model.   She said she will refuse to give a "hate for Profit" network the legitimacy it craves by appearing on one of its programs.  Good on her.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Longing for normalcy

      The boomlet for Joe Biden has settled in and he now leads his nearest competitor for the democratic party's presidential nomination, Bernie Sanders, by an incredible 30 points in one poll.  Pundits, especially those on the left are scratching their heads.  In a party driven by opposition to the tRump presidency and led by lefties like AOC it seems strange that a pol who made his reputation in the 70s and 80s as a typical corporatist democrat should be the darling of dems in 2019.
      I agree that part of the support for Uncle Joe is nostalgia for a era when republicans still reached across the aisle and at least seemed to be working for most Americans. Biden also excites black voters with his connection to Obama and the possibility he will continue that legacy.  Finally, to many he represents the view that to beat one old white man you need another old white man.
      It seems counter intuitive to believe Biden can represent so many different agendas.   His middle of the road policies on health care, the environment and climate change are totally out of step with millenials and those of us who believe in the existential threat the aforementioned issues represent.  Based on actuarial tables, there is a good possibility Joe may not even be around in 2024.
    Of course, it is still early, and front runners do not have a great track record in crowded fields.  A single malapropism or oppo research into his past may prove too much for him to overcome in the face of Bernie's durable appeal and younger candidates appeal.  The daily grind of a 2 year campaign may also take its toll.  I hope the long term exposure of Biden to public scrutiny convinces him there are better ways to spend his remaining years than trying to parlay with republicans who long ago decided scorched earth was their default policy.   We need someone who can deal with that reality.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Let's be optimistic

     After a beautiful Mother's Day (alas, not weatherwise), I have decided I need to accentuate the positive side of things.  Yesterday was a day to celebrate mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers alike.  Even dog mothers got their due.   Several accepted congratulations, but scolded my somewhat jaundiced view of the human condition.
     My favorite candidate for president, Elizabeth Warren, also ventured outside her comfort zone this weekend.  She appeared in the heart of tRump country in West Virginia to talk about her plan to alleviate the opioid crisis.  While she may not have changed many minds, she did let the people know she intends to be the president of all Americans, in marked contrast the present occupant of the office.
     In gardening news, at least it didn't rain over the weekend and the rice paddy which doubles as our backyard was no longer featuring standing water.   I seeded  winter squash in peat pots in anticipation the main garden areas will be dry in time to plant them outside in early June.  I was also able to plant some more potatoes and fertilize the last onion plantings.  Somehow, gardening is one of the most optimistic things a person can do.  Planting, weeding, fertilizing and pest control are all done with the vision of future harvest.  Many things can and do go wrong, but perseverance usually pays off.  I hope this year is no different.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Bait and Switch

     As Paul Krugman points out in today's NYT, rural America is disproportionally hurt by the present administration's policies, yet continues to support Cheetolini in overwhelming numbers.   Dismantling the ACA would lead to millions either losing health coverage or accepting a debased alternative.  Trade wars have so far hurt rural farmers more than anyone else.  Shredding the social safety net affects a majority of residents in states like West Virginia.
     Many have opined as to the roots of rural Americans' fascination with The Donald.  His high flying lifestyle, the racism he promotes, the immigrant bashing and perhaps most of all, his rejection of facts as the basis for decisions on policy.  Instead he substitutes whatever lies advance the policies he approves.   We have been living in an Alice in Wonderland universe since 2017 and the Red Queen continues to shout "off with their heads" to a shrinking minority of the populace.
      I live in a tRump loving corner of this country and I still can't get my head around the fact that many of my friends and acquaintances are all in with republican policies which hurt them economically.  Abortion, the 2nd amendment and bashing the nonexistent immigrant population in the North Country is being substituted for actual thought about their enlightened self interest.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Massive Fraud or Tawdry Reality

     As we wait with popcorn in hand for the various legal gambits to play out, the NYT story about tRump's huuge losses during the 1980s may be the biggest tell as Cheetolini seemingly goes all in to hide his tax returns from 2013 to the present.   Is he protecting said returns from scrutiny because he can't bear to be labelled a loser, or do the IRS forms lay out a roadmap to his money laundering and other assorted crimes which would earn him a life sentence in the slammer post presidency?
     It seems during the 80s, when real estate and casinos were sure fire ways to riches, The Donald was continuously bailed out of his various failed schemes by his daddy's money.   Even tRump Tower, his arguably most successful project was suffering from low occupancy before the Russian mafia started snapping up apartments at above market rates.  During a 10 year period the "King of Debt" posted losses totaling over a billion dollars.  Despite his claim that every real estate developer was doing it, his losses were by far the most of any individual taxpayer during that period.
     Michael Cohen, his fixer and personal attorney testified his boss had a fairly elastic way of classifying his assets; shrinking them at tax time and inflating them when applying for loans to the dwindling number of banks willing to take a chance on another default.
     Sometime in the 00's, Russian money began to flow into the tRump Organization's coffers and the company went on a spending spree.  Cheetolini bought golf courses in Scotland and Ireland which continue to lose money to this day.   Will his tax returns show where the money came from?  The whole thing smells very fishy and his increasingly hysterical efforts to hide the returns from scrutiny by the Ways and Means Committee should cause democrats to redouble their efforts to get to the bottom of this mess.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The reckoning

It turns out you can't put 7 billion humans on the earth and simultaneously pump gigatons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere without catastrophic consequences for all life on our spaceship earth.
    New reports and studies show nearly one million species are in danger of extinction as we destroy their habitats to make way for more humanity.  There may be as many as 10 billion of us by the year 2050 which will make it even harder for the vanishing biodiversity to maintain itself.  If we don't kill ourselves by war or pestilence, the climate change we are bringing about will probably do us in within a couple of hundred years.
     This gloomy post has its roots in the so far silent spring we are experiencing in the North Country.  There have been noticeably fewer birds in evidence and even the insect life seems less noticeable.  That and the increasingly pessimistic reports on the climate change our "leaders" seem to ignore makes me wonder if sentient cockroaches may inherit the earth.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Breaking the rules

      Yesterday edged us that much closer to a constitutional crisis if you are a democrat.  If you are a typical republican probably not so much.  
       Steve Mnuchin, tRump's secretary of the treasury refused a lawful request to turn over Cheetolini's tax returns.  The next move is up to the House Ways and Means Committee chairman, but in the face of  Mnuchin's intransigence and the Department of Justice' support, there is little Richard Neal can do to force the release of the returns.
       This gets to the heart of the current dilemma facing those who would provide oversight of this lawless executive branch.  If the head of the executive, the president, refuses to acknowledge the rules, the other branches of government, the legislative and judicial are virtually helpless.  Our system of government requires all participants to acknowledge and abide by the laws set forth in the constitution.  There has never been a president who did not abide by the rules.  When push came to shove, even Tricky Dick  Nixon surrendered his incriminating tapes.
      In the playground, if someone refuses to play ball by the rules the group has established, he is told to leave.  If he refuses, most of the time, the players will refuse to play with him or her.  Unfortunately, Congress does not have that luxury.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Garden update

    Aside from Cheetolini's call for Robert Mueller to not testify about the report which was a "complete and total exoneration", there was little political news to report on.   Game of Thrones continues to perplex and annoy its feminist and equal opportunity fans.  The Divine Mrs. M and me performed several pieces by Mozart with the Champlain Valley Voices  to an audience which seemed pleased by the collective effort.
     Meanwhile, in the garden, spring continues to make an occasional appearance and I took advantage of the situation to make several plantings and transplanted the first lettuce seedlings of the season.  As usual, the weeds are my most reliable crop.  Today is forecast to be mild and dry, but temps will fall into the 30s by Wednesday with a cold rain predicted.  It would be nice if we could get at least a few warm, dry days in  a row.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Old white dudes

    Pundits are struggling to explain the polls showing most democrats would seem to be supporting an old white guy, either Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden for the democratic presidential nomination.  Most of these writers are part of the hyper educated coastal elites who are read by other college educated liberals who support some of the more left leaning candidates.
      Other columnists, notably Paul Krugman at the NYT complain that voters who lift up these septuagenarian candidates (Biden will be over 80 at the end of his first term) will be disappointed because Biden is trying to sell a bipartisan approach to politics that died upon the election of Barack Obama in 2008 and Bernie is invoking a moral authority which will sweep away opposition to his policies.  Krugman opines that neither man has a plan B to fight against republican intransigence in the wake of an election which does not include democratic takeover of the Senate.
     People of color are especially vulnerable to the allure of a white man to take on and defeat tRump.  Sending Cheetolini into the waiting arms of the prosecutors of the Southern district of NY seems to be their alpha and omega.  There is little thought being given to the fights which will be necessary to advance any policy agenda benefitting their constituency.
      While the democratic party has moved considerably to the left, many of its voters are over 50 and many of them identify with a more conservative vision represented by Biden.  My own mother is among that demographic and would probably embrace Uncle Joe for that very reason.  Meanwhile, the Bernie Bros' are as likely to vote for a second term for tRump if their preferred candidate does not get the nomination.  Either way, it appears progressives have an uphill battle to convince young and old alike their vision for the future is attainable in the face of republican intransigence.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Nothing but the smile

    Erstwhile Attorney General William Barr flashed his best Cheshire Cat smile at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday as he explained to the assembled democrats and republicans that it is fine with him if a president shuts down an investigation into his administration if he feels it is unjust harassment.
    Needless to say this legal theory was greeted with derision by dems and treated with respect by most if not all republicans on the committee.  Lindsay Graham, who famously declared the president* unfit for the office he now holds declared the Mueller report to be over and done with.  This in the face of letters from Mueller to Barr in the run up to the release of the report  which show that Mueller viewed with increasing frustration Barr's attempt to whitewash the damning evidence concerning both the tRump campaign's ties to Russia and the president*'s increasingly desperate efforts to obstruct the special counsel's investigation.
    The best images of the committee hearing is attorney general's imitation of  Lewis Carroll's famously obstructive cat.  Both of them smiled as they disappeared, only in Barr's case he also endeavored to make the evidence disappear as well.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Peering through muddy waters

      Many dems and pundits are shocked! Shocked I tell you by reports in the NYT and WaPo that special counsel Robert Mueller wrote a letter to the attorney general outlining his disagreements with the 4 page whitewash Barr issued before releasing the redacted version of Mueller's findings.  As Hitler's propagandists knew quite well, if you yell your lies loud and often they will eventually drown the truth or at least confuse the issue for the target audience.
      It remains to be seen if this latest story will serve to reset public perceptions of the 448 page report on Russian interference and the obstruction of justice by the president* during its production.  I'm afraid in most cases it won't.  Republicans want to "move on" and democrats want to hang the report around their opponents' necks in the runup to the 2020 elections.
       It is time for the democrats in the House to start playing hardball with the administration and insist on expedited hearings while the evidence Mueller presented is still fresh and positions have not hardened.  The kindest reading of Mueller's report is the president* obstructed justice.  A more nuanced view is he was actively trying to cover up evidence of crimes and collaboration with Putin's government in pursuit of profit and to the detriment of our democracy.