Monday, February 1, 2016


The presidential race begins in earnest today as the Iowa caucuses meet to pick candidates.  One of the questions neither side seems to seriously question is the overwhelming militarism of today's society.  Whether it is the right of manly men (and women) to wear a holstered gun on their hips to the fact we spend more on "defense" than the next eight countries combined, no one wants to confront this 500 lb. gorilla.   We cannot address the myriad problems we face as a nation while we spend 30-40% or more of our national budget  to prop up a façade of an almighty military on the backs of an increasingly destitute population.  Our infrastructure continues to decay even as we spend billions on unchallenged ships and planes.  The fact the facilities that produce these white elephants are sprinkled throughout the country to assure widespread congressional support is not coincidental.  We can count on the GOP to continue this military Keynesianism as it simultaneously pleases their supporters in the military industrial complex and inspires the benighted lower and middle classes who see our unchallenged military as reflecting glory on them even as they sink lower economically.  On the democratic side, Bernie has questioned some of these shibboleths, but as a socialist, most will not take him seriously.  Hillary has the credentials to actually begin the process of de-militarizing the nation if she is able to get  elected.  Let's hope Iowa begins the process.

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