Monday, February 8, 2016

Doubling down

This blog has momentarily been taken over by the current political circus.   I will try to avoid talking about it as often in the future, but the weekend's Republican debate and the importance of New Hampshire in the process of picking presidential candidates forces a summary of the ongoing farce that is the republican campaign.   Marco Rubio was unmasked yet again as a shallow naïf.  His fallback on the same canned talking points drew vitriol from Chris Christie, but his attack may have backfired by seeming to be a bully's instead of an unmasking of a superficial lightweight.  Meanwhile, on the Democratic side, Bill Clinton attacked Bernie's one note campaign as being as much in a bubble as the Republican's.   Unfortunately, if Hillary cannot rouse the enthusiasm of her supporters, she may be buried by Bernie's calls for a "political revolution".  That his rhetoric appeals to the young, many of whom can't be bothered to turn out on election day, is a bad sign for Dems. 

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