Wednesday, February 24, 2016

GOP dilemma

As the Trump juggernaut picks up speed, we are treated to more and more stories of panic in the republican hierarchy.  If they officially disavow The Donald, they risk appearing irrelevant as 35-40% of the base flocks to Trump.  The landslide of establishment support for the Marcobot and his radical agenda has been met with indifference or hostility by supporters of the other candidates.  He finished a distant second in Nevada and apparently doesn't lead in the polls even in his home state of Florida.  The rest of the field is not inclined to retire and throw their support behind Rubio and in the background, Mitt Romney hovers, waiting to swoop in as the savior in the event of a brokered convention.  Meanwhile, as Trump gets even more comfortable in front of eager audiences, he becomes progressively more difficult to dislodge.  The threat of a third party candidacy driven by his media appeal could effectively peel away enough electoral votes to doom any mainstream republican candidate.  The empty suits now running the party would seem to be in a no-win situation.  Boo-Hoo!

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