Monday, February 15, 2016

Chilling out

Staying warm for the weekend was job one at Casa Monzeglio.  With wind chills of -30 for much of Saturday and Sunday, outdoor activities were kept to a minimum.  There was plenty of entertainment available, thanks to providence and the GOP debate on Saturday night.  With the surprise death of "Nino" Scalia, the brilliant but perverse Supreme Court justice, the candidates got to play to the cheap seats by going on record as opposing anyone the President might nominate to succeed Scalia.  For some reason the republicans decided to deny a "lame duck" president the constitutional duty to fill vacancies in the Supreme Court.  Of course it is OKIYAR (it's OK if you are republican) as Ronald Reagan's appointment of Justice Kennedy in 1988 proves.  How anyone can look at this roster of poo flinging monkeys and descry a presidential nominee is beyond my powers of comprehension.

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