Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Voter concerns

According to exit polls, the biggest concerns of republican voters were illegal immigrants, the economy and terrorism.  35% of these brainiacs voted for Trump.  Memo to Trumpeters;  illegal immigration has been steadily falling for years, a serial bankruptcy declarer is not a good choice to handle the economy and the average New Hampshirite has as much chance of being struck by a meteorite as being killed by a terrorist.  Meanwhile, on the Democratic side, economic inequality was seen as the number one concern.  Fair enough, but voting for someone who has declared his independence from the party and whose biggest legislative accomplishment is renaming 3 Vermont Post Offices doesn't exactly fill me with confidence in the discernment of Dem voters either.  I guess it was just the same frustration I often feel with the political system.  For 30 years, the GOP has proclaimed government is the problem.  The very fact they are running for office in what they declare is a dysfunctional system should disqualify them from serving if elected!  So instead the electorate votes for people who claim they will overhaul the system.  For the moment, Trump looks like the legitimate driver of the clown car.  Sanders on the other hand must now compete in states which are more representative of the real democratic coalition. 

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