Thursday, February 11, 2016

SC comedy

I observed the 5 minute rule vis a vis the execrable "Morning Joe" show on MSNBC.  After 5 minutes and usually before that, Joe Scarborough says something so outrageously stupid or patently false that my self control starts to fade and I look for things to throw at the TV or radio.  Sometimes unintentional comedy breaks out and today was a good example.  One of Scarborough's favorite pundits, the vapid Mark Halperin was interviewing a focus group of supposedly random GOP voters from South Carolina and he asked them where they get their political information.   I expected most of them to say Faux News, but surprisingly, many said it was from friends and acquaintances they met at church and a couple actually admitted to agreeing with information they got from listening to the Glenn Beck radio show.  If I wasn't laughing so hard I would probably weep. 

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