Thursday, February 18, 2016

Scalia remembered

According to a recent poll, two thirds of the adult American population can't even name one supreme court judge.  That means the recent death of Antonin Scalia and its effect on the next election will not be nearly as tectonic as many pundits would have us believe.  Of course the true believers on the left and right will be energized to vote based on the chance the next president will appoint his successor.  But most of these people (myself included) don't need the extra push.  Meanwhile, after the knee jerk praise for the "brilliant jurist" flooded the airwaves for the first week, a more measured assessment is taking place in the reality based community.  Far from the strict originalist doctrine he preached, Scalia was ever ready to throw history to the wind in service to his ideology.  He was also a no compromise, burn the house down radical who rarely convinced anyone to agree with him.  A racist, bigot and gay bashing homophobe, he will not be missed by men of good will.  As part of the majority which awarded the 2001 presidential election to the shrub, he bears responsibility for the feckless jerk inflicted on us for 8 years.   Tens of thousands of dead Iraqis, as well as several thousand dead and wounded Americans are a lasting testimony to the damage one man can do.  If there is indeed a heaven and a hell, I am relatively sure where Justice Scalia will be spending eternity.

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