Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Building a family

Congratulations to Benjamin Robert Groleau, the newest member of the Monzeglio clan.  Bennie Bob as he is known to his adoring family was officially adopted by my daughter Alicia and her husband Rick.   Aside from a few problems associated with his preemie birth, he has been a joy to everyone who knows him.   Always ready with a smile and a willingness to please, Bennie is loved wherever he goes.  In his case, a loving adoptive family was ready and willing to take him.  The foster system is filled with many cases which don't end as happily.  Drug addicted mothers and fathers, jailed for major and minor offenses leave many children adrift in a foster care system which is understaffed and overwhelmed by the demands of a dysfunctional society.  However, there are notable exceptions which should be celebrated.  Welcome Bennie Bob.  We love you.

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