Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Weather wondering

A new study says the oceans could rise as much as 3 1/2 feet by the year 2100.  Western states in the Colorado River Basin are gearing up to fight over how much water they can skim from the river as it passes through.  Maple syrup producers in Ontario and Quebec are bracing for a bad season due to unseasonably warm weather and the tourist business is suffering in the North Country due to lack of snow.  All of these stories were in the papers or on the radio this morning and they all have to do with an issue being denied by a major political party in the US, namely the republicans.  As Miami Beach and South Florida suffer more and more flooding due to sea level rise, the Marcobot continues to deny the evidence.  Meanwhile, I'm sure Sen. Imhofe has a few snowballs stored in his freezer from the last snowstorm in D.C.  That way he can toss a few on the floor of the Senate the next time someone brings up climate change.  The new reports also speculate that if nothing is done soon, by the middle of the 22nd century many coastal cities around the world will have to be abandoned.  At what point does obstruction of needed legislation to deal with this crisis become a crime?

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