Friday, February 19, 2016

the Sanders Paradox

After watching Bernie Sanders handle the Town Hall questioners last night, my heart tugged me in his direction once again.  I went to bed before Hillary had her chance, so I don't know what my head would have told me.  But reading Paul Krugman's column on "Varieties of Voodoo" this morning was a splash of cold water on the Bern.  Krugman criticizes the Sanders campaign for approving a recent paper by economist Gerald Friedman which claims that Sander's economic program would more than double economic growth in the US for the next 10 years and boost the labor participation rate to numbers which haven't been seen since the late 1980s.  Since 25% of the American population over the age of 20 will be older than 65 by 2020, unless Bernie plans for us geezers to be swinging pickaxes and rebuilding infrastructure, I don't see how he can reach those levels.  Meanwhile, Krugman argues if the left indulges in their own brand of voodoo economics it will be harder to criticize the right when they indulge in tax cutting fantasies.  Unfortunately, Americans are ever ready to believe snake oil salesmen as witnessed by their fascination with The Donald, Tailgunner Ted Cruz, and the Marcobot.  I guess progressives are hoping Bernie's brand of voodoo  is more potent than the oppositions.

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