Wednesday, February 24, 2016

"leadership" via reality TV

Kevin Drum at Mother Jones is wondering how so many different slices of the republican electorate can be taken in by the reality TV campaign of The Donald.  Rich and poor, young and old, it doesn't seem to matter.  Some are racists, some are conservatives or libertarians.  He can't seem to connect the dots to see what unites these people.  Personally, I think most of Trump's supporters long for an authoritarian voice to tell them to leave it all to Big Daddy.  One of the most admirable traits of President Obama's leadership style is he doesn't go for the easy demagogic response.  He wants us to know what he is doing and agree with him that bullying friends and enemies alike is not a good foreign policy.  That scapegoating immigrants for the results of 50 years of failed policies is not the way to solve the "immigration problem".  Finally, Obama wants us to be involved in the business of government and politics, despite the fact most of us don't have the time and inclination to become participants.  Non involvement is a feature, not a bug in Trump's policies.  Leave it all to him and "there will be so much winning" we will get tired of it.  By abdicating our responsibilities we can check off the good government box and go back to binge watching whatever hot show is now popular.  I think that is the down deep attraction of the demagogue.  We ignore that attraction at our peril.

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