Thursday, February 4, 2016

More than skin deep

The policy and stylistic differences between Bernie and Hillary should be on full display this evening when they are showcased in a one on one debate moderated by MSNBC.   While most republicans will dismiss this as a lovefest hosted by conservative baiting scourge, Rachel Maddow and suspected liberal (he's not) Chuck Todd, democrats should get a better idea of the views the candidates espouse.  As the standard bearer of measured progress, Hillary must reassure the left wing of the party that she will respond to the concerns of the base regarding income inequality and social mobility as well as climate change and a hawkish foreign policy.  Bernie, on the other hand needs to answer charges that he is selling a dream as far as "political revolution" is concerned.  He needs to show the more conservative, mostly older and wealthier democrats in the middle his history of legislative failure is merely a prelude to executive success.   Single payer health insurance, breaking up the big banks and free college for all sound great, but when all you have to show for 25 years in Congress are 3 bills renaming post offices in Vermont and an oppo research dream of radical connections, as Desi would say to Lucy, you've got some "splaining" to do.  Let the debate begin...

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