Thursday, February 25, 2016

Driving Mr. Daisy

It is with a great deal of trepidation I approach the subject of self driving cars.  According to many experts on the subject, the technology is advancing by leaps and bounds and some confidently predict the last persons to actually drive cars will be born sometime in the near future.  To those of us brought up in the car crazy 1960s, a self driving car is nothing to cheer.  We eagerly awaited our 16th birthdays so we could get our learner's permit and join the adult world.  The idea of hormone crazed adolescents with control over 2 tons of metal hurtling down the back streets of America now fills me with historical angst.  My high school class lost 3 people to car accidents before graduation.  Meanwhile, Google's automatic cars have logged over a million miles with only minor accidents caused by the other driver.  Still, the feeling of freedom and power conferred on young drivers is hard to compare to the safety and reliability of its driverless counterpart.  My generation actually looked to the Jetsons for the ultimate expression of driver freedom, the driver operated flying car.  It will be a hard adjustment...

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