Thursday, February 18, 2016

Two nations

Listening to NPR this morning, it struck me that Lincoln may have reunited the country after the civil war, but he didn't heal the division.  A South Carolina man was telling the reporter he has a son in the military and it is a shame Obama has neglected our defense.  We spend as much on "defense" as the next 8 countries put together!   Our military is basically an empire driven protection force with tentacles around the globe.  Without the military Keyneseism practiced by Congress our economy would be in a shambles.  Our biggest exports are weapons.  It doesn't require deep thinking to realize most of our economic innovations are driven by the need to remain the lone superpower in a world which for the most part reviles us and here was a person who is committed to support whoever winds up driving the clown car for the Republicans.  He might as well be living in another world, let alone another nation.

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