Friday, February 5, 2016

Snow White and Rumplestilskin

On stage in New Hampshire, the Bernie and Hillary show went into overdrive for a few minutes last night as Bernie's inner Rumplestilskin  ruffled Hillary's carefully dressed Snow White over her speaking fees from the Vampire Squid (As Matt Taibbi christened Goldman-Sachs).  While Hillary squirmed a little, she did manage to spit out a litany of progressive causes she has embraced and furthered.  I would still like to see the transcript of the Goldman speech however.  Meanwhile, Bernie continues to dodge the charge of socialism.  Despite his legions of admirers of which I count myself as one, polling has consistently found a majority of Americans would rather elect an atheist than a socialist (Although with Bernie they would be getting a twofer), and athiests are pretty far up the list of things most Americans profess to hate.  As much as both Democrats would have preferred to focus on policy, both Rachel Maddow and Chuck Todd realized there is very little difference in most of their positions and so focused on the issues most likely to provoke the candidates.  I can't wait til  the eventual nominee debates the survivor of the clown car.  On a lighter note, the Divine Mrs. M and I would like to welcome Big Steve to the sixties club today.  Happy Birthday Bro and may all your wishes come true!

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