Tuesday, February 2, 2016

And they're off

The pundits are wallowing in the results of last night's Iowa caucuses.  Who is up, down or sideways will occupy them from now until the New Hampshire results replace these initial tea leaf readings.  The consensus so far is Cruz and Rubio are the big winners for republicans and of course Hillary is a big loser even though she managed a narrow win over Bernie.  That is the boilerplate for most commentators.  Of course, everyone will be waiting for some response from The Donald.  His less than stellar showing will be analyzed to a fare thee well and the establishment will eagerly write him off.  Of course the people of Iowa, or at least the few per cent who actually participated in the caucuses have had their outsize months of fame despite the fact they are hardly representative of the general population.  It's a crazy system we use to elect our leaders, but for the moment we are stuck with it.

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