Friday, January 29, 2016

Not necessarily bliss

Ignorance is seemingly the new smarts in Iowa.  During an NPR interview this morning various and sundry residents of a rural town in the western part of the state opined they were very worried about terrorism.  Most of these benighted souls have more of a chance of being struck by a meteorite or drowned in a tidal wave than being killed by terrorists.  It is a tribute to the republican noise machine and its chief trumpeter, Faux News, that 99% white Iowa feels it is on the front lines of the fight against ISIS.  Comparing the relative virtues of the Donald and Ted Cruz brought out the very worst and most ignorant comments although some of them were so far around the bend, they almost reached a level of "truthiness".   Trump, the egotistical reality TV star and Cruz, a first term senator whose claim to fame is a campaign to shut down the federal government are touted as wise men, while Hillary Clinton, "has no clue" about how to keep these fools safe.  She will, they opine continue the policies of the dread Obama and try to take away their guns... Please, tell me these people are from another planet, rather than what they apparently are, frightened, ignorant people who are evidently about to answer Trump's question, "How stupid are the people of Iowa".

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