Friday, January 8, 2016

Taking it to the streets of Burlington

The Donald and his show arrived in Burlington, Vt. last night and it was as entertaining as advertised.  Not so much what the man says as the way he says it and the visceral reaction his schtick inspires in his hapless followers.  Building a wall on the Mexican border, belittling any rivals for his nomination, quoting useless poll numbers and finally telling security to get rid of his hecklers is the standard stump speech for this latter day Kingfish or as some would speculate a doppleganger of George Wallace.  Telling people it is all right to hate the "other" has been a staple of right wing populist candidates throughout American history.  What makes Trump so dangerous is his mastery of the media and his willingness to say anything to get the attention he craves.    After reading the first person account of the Divine Mrs. M's sister, who actually attempted to infiltrate the rally, I was struck by the banality of the whole proceeding.  Both sides seemed to be in on the joke.  Whether Trump was also party to the humor is an open question. 

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