Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Watering he tree of parasitism

The latest iteration of the Bundy Show looks to be near its conclusion after the arrest of Cliven's offspring by the FBI when they ventured off the wildlife refuge they had occupied in Malheur, Oregon, yesterday.  A 74 year old fellow traveler was killed in the confrontation.  This will probably redound to the Bundy's reputation as stand up critics of government overreach.  At the previous standoff, the Bundy patriarch managed to rally a motley collection of militia extremists, gun nuts and so called "sovereign citizens" to defend him from government seizure of his cattle due to failure to pay grazing fees.  It is easy to dismiss this whole fiasco as the actions of a bunch of parasites who would like to use government land free of charge.  Of course their argument is they are patriots who are being oppressed by government tyranny.  Between these extremes the truth resides.  A government bureaucracy based  in Washington cannot be responsive to local needs and concerns 3000 miles from their office.  Meanwhile, the Bundys represent the fringe of a movement of appropriators of land which belongs to all citizens for their own interests.  Plenty of ranchers pay the grazing fees without protest.  That even one of these parasite patriots had to die is an unnecessary distraction which will delay a solution to this problem.

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