Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Unleashing America's ID

The ID is that part of the subconscious that is unfiltered and uncensored.  Basically, it is the Donald Trump of the mind.  The Donald has somehow figured out America is ready for a candidate who represents all the urges most of us keep on a tight leash.  His readiness to insult and demean his opponents.  The over-the-top proclamations of his ability to "Make America Great Again" without any concrete proposals to do so and the thinly veiled racism which makes hating the "other" a sanctioned activity appeal to the dark side most of us control in polite society.  Ted Cruz, Chris Christie and to a lesser extent the other Republican candidates rely on this politics of anger and insult and to judge by the polls they are betting on a winning strategy.  On the other side, Sanders and Clinton have avoided insulting each other and have actually proposed policies to move the country forward.  Whether real politics can compete with the primal need to demean and dominate is an open question.  The republicans have unleashed our collective ID, but can it be recaptured before it does irreparable harm to our commonwealth?

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