Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Changing of the Guard

Another rock legend has moved to the great stage in the sky.  Glen Fry of Eagles fame died at  67 from complications of a lifestyle he would have been the first to admit was extreme.  Along with David Bowie, the Eagles and Fry helped define the music scene in the late 70s.  As a young adult in that time period I didn't really care for glam rock or the country rock played by Fry, but certain songs, like "Hotel California" were the ear worms we all took for granted.  Certainly his single "the Heat is On"  was the essence of cool in the 80s.  I guess the passing of rock icons like Bowie and Fry and the English actor Alan Rickman, all in their 60s is another reminder of the mortality we baby boomers have struggled against ever since we reached our 30s.  Most of us naturally figured we would live forever, but the passing of so many contemporaries must give us pause.  Maybe we will check our of this hotel after all...

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