Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The tyranny of guns

According to the NRA and the mindless hordes of gun toting, 2nd amendment quoting yahoos who subscribe to that organization's mantra, good guys must have guns to stop bad guys with guns.  That most bad guys with guns can use them with impunity in most situations does not give these people pause.  That much of the insanity we have witnessed over the past 7 years is driven by fear of the President's racial makeup is the unacknowledged truth which commentators studiously avoid.  Even minor adjustments to our inadequate gun regulations are zealously opposed by all republican office holders while a majority of Americans are for tighter rules governing access to firearms.  Recent research has shown that while there are enough guns in the US to supply every man, woman and child with personal firepower, the majority of guns are owned by a shrinking minority of zealots.  Hunting was once the major use of weapons, but no longer.  "Personal Protection", whatever that means is the reason most new gun owner cite for buying weapons.  A deep loathing for our commander in chief is the common denominator for most of these people.  The NRA and gun manufacturers are probably rubbing their hands in anticipation of our first female president and the fear and panic it will generate among the gun toting crowd.

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