Monday, January 25, 2016

Snowpocalypse and the aftermath

As people continue to dig out of the great storm of 2016, life is slowly returning to normal.   The web of transportation and delivery schedules along with airline flights will be the last things to straighten out.   Most people take easy availability of life's necessities  for granted, but that roll of toilet paper or head of cauliflower you picked up was delivered to the store after a complex series of maneuvers on several different trucks.   The produce at this time of year generally is loaded in California or Arizona, then delivered to a central supermarket warehouse, then parceled out on local delivery vans to your neighborhood store.  The weather occurring between our area and the west coast does not usually impact deliveries, but the weekend storm has delayed many trucks and closed some businesses.  With the return of more clement weather, most people will notice only minor inconveniences, but the potential for a much more serious interruption remains possible.  Our civilization rests on many factors we take for granted and the timely delivery of life's necessities is one of them.  The difference between civility and savagery is an empty stomach in many cases.

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