Monday, January 25, 2016

Clinton Derangement Syndrome, update

Not happy that Bernie seems to be stealing Hilary's lunch money, the press is now promoting the candidacy of former mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg.  Aside from his supposed technocratic prowess, all Bloomberg has to offer is a gun control agenda.  Since Clinton has already staked out the gun control issue, it would seem Bloomberg's candidacy would further splinter her support in the general election, leading to a Trump presidency.  To some on the left, this would be preferable to a Clinton victory.  Bloomberg is a one trick pony whose appeal is limited to the east side of the Hudson River, but his vanity candidacy, backed by up to one billion of his own money would siphon enough votes on the democratic side (See Ralph Nader in 2000) to effectively hand the election to the republican.  If this is where we are headed, it's time to start looking at Canadian property.

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