Friday, January 22, 2016

Climate chaos

It looks like Senator Imhofe will be able to toss snowballs and mock climate change on the Senate floor again.  With a couple of feet of snow predicted and blizzard conditions as well, the megalopolis will be paralyzed this weekend after cherry blossoms were seen in December and golfers roamed the fairways as far north as the NCR.  El Nino may be to blame for some of the crazy weather we are seeing, but the variability is also in line with what scientists have predicted regarding climate change due to a warming world caused by greenhouse gas emissions.   Any grower with seeds in the ground has experienced doubt this season.  Heat and rain in Florida, frost and wet weather in the western desert areas and now excessive rain in the spring and summer growing areas are threatening the stability of vegetable markets around the country.  Consumers are likely to see extreme gyrations in their supermarket purchases this year as the weather visits havoc on each growing area. 

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