Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Feeling the Crazy

What do you get when you put Donald Trump and Sarah Palin in the same room?  I'm not sure, but it is certainly a piece of performance art.  Palin's endorsement of Trump is the latest episode in the self immolation of the modern GOP.  The "base" of the party has been lied to and used by the establishment for more than 30 years.  Trickle -down economics and globalization have decimated the Archie Bunker wing of the party, leaving them with slogans and little else.  As Palin gloated, the base is proud to be left with their "guns, god and gays" slogans, although they have been disappointed even on their prejudices, except for the guns.  With Trump and Palin, the base can indulge its inner racist, misogynist and gun fondling child.  The "establishment" candidates are left to figure out if they can pander to this demographic the way Trump and Ted Cruz can and the answer is in the poll numbers. 

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