Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Hillary or Bernie

Kevin Drum, who blogs at Mother Jones said it way better than I can.  Basically, if I believed Bernie Sanders could get his agenda enacted after winning the Presidency, I would vote for him in a heartbeat.  While Hillary is to my right on many policies, I believe it is partly because she has been in the arena for 40 years, fighting for the possible, not the pie in the sky.  I think she could possibly do more business with a republican congress than Bernie and besides, she is the best shot at having a woman president in my lifetime.   Bernie's supporters will be disillusioned after his first legislative defeat or compromise.  His "revolution" will crash and burn shortly thereafter.  Meanwhile, if Hillary is able to mobilize the majority of the electorate (women) along with a few progressive men, she will have more influence than any president in recent memory.   I vacillated in 2008 and finally supported Obama, but this time I think Hillary is the best choice for the Democrats and the country.

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