Monday, September 5, 2011

To rain or not to rain

That would be a good question is I had any control over the answer.  We are now getting the tomato killing rainy, humid weather that all gardeners and farmers hate.  A two or three day on again off again rain, with brief sunny windows which raise the humidity to hateful levels.  The only plants which love this late summer misery are the many weeds looking for one last fling before depositing their abundant seed crop into my late fall beds of spinach, lettuce and turnips.  The late cabbage is growing like gangbusters and all the cole crops seem to be doing well, although I'm sure the cabbage loopers are having a jamboree.  Got to spray as soon as this rain passes.  The last plantings of beets and carrots are also doing fairly well.  We need a long mild fall, or they will produce more tops than roots.  It's almost time to think about getting the bed ready for garlic planting.  The last push is definitely starting, although next week is the Battle of Plattsburg celebration and the festivities will cut into gardening time.  All work and no play, etc.

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