Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sunrise, moonset

Driving north today, the sun was rising on my right and the full moon setting on my left.  I have been making this drive for 10 years and can't remember seeing this effect.  The perfectly clear sky added to the beauty of the scene.  It was definitely a "smell the roses" moment.  I'm sure it will be downhill all the way for the rest of the day.  We already have a couple of late trucks and a rejection, so here we go again...
    Meanwhile, in the garden, I covered a couple dozen heads of cauliflower in the 4-6 inch range.  They will be beautiful for the market on Saturday.  It is mercifully remaining dry, but there is a 50% chance of thunderstorms this afternoon.  Since we don't need the rain, we will certainly  get it today.

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