Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fall is for Mosquitoes

Thanks to the abundant rainfall from Irene, the mosquito crop is bountiful.   I practically bathed in OFF, and the little buggers just held their noses (or whatever passes for noses) and dug right in.  By dusk on Friday my face felt like it was twice its normal size.  Ditto this morning as I finished harvesting for the farmers' market.  The cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and spinach are awesome, especially considering the weather.  I bunched some beautiful arugula also.  Potatoes, basil, dill, cilantro, bibb lettuce, green leaf, red leaf, iceberg, romaine, kohlrabi, green squash, kale, collards, beets, carrots and winter squash rounded out the offerings today.  There will be more of the same for the next couple of weeks.

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