Friday, September 30, 2011

Pessimism vs. reality

Some loyal followers of this scribble have complained it is unduly pessimistic.  I prefer the term realistic.  Of course, as far as the weather and farming are concerned, all farmers, and even us dilletantes are going to whine about the slings and arrows of outrageous weather.  Things can never be too perfect in the world of weather, because we all know they will get worse.  Unfortunately, my other handicap is being a lifelong Democrat.  I was born the last year of Harry Truman's term, cast          my first vote for George McGovern, married the year Jimmy Carter was elected and turned 50 just after the Bushies stole the election in 2000.  There is enough depression in that last sentence to kill any number of happy hours.  I will try to temper my lifelong pessimism about the perfectability of human nature, but the evidence I see on a daily basis leads me to believe this will be a fruitless endeavor.   Kind of like expecting Republicans to care about 98% of this country's inhabitants.

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