Monday, September 26, 2011

Late season warm up

Felt like summer again this weekend, albeit a short day summer.  Temps in the upper 70s with nights in the 50s.  Hopefully this will bring along the last plantings of spinach and lettuce.  Naturally, a freeze is predicted for this coming Sunday morning, but we'll see.  The farmers market was not nearly as busy as I had hoped for this week, so I expect a lot of the lettuce I brought in was composted yesterday.  It seems that once the middle of Sept. has passed, the crowds are not as big at the market.  It's a shame, since the best quality of the season is now for many items.  The market for my larger scale farmer brethren has not been kind either.  Even though there are shortages of many items, the public does not seem to care.  Lettuce and celery are both in the toilet.  Items that are in demand, such as spinach are in short supply, so what's a broker to do.  Make a million calls to find short items or 10 million to sell the glutted products.  It's a tough call, but usually you concentrate on the markets you know. 

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