Thursday, September 15, 2011

More fall than you may have wished for

Certainly more than I wanted.  It's raining again this morning, but when that passes, we'll flirt with frost for a couple of nights.  Really, in September!   But I guess it is all about the averages. We had a hot, dry summer, so we'll have a cool wet fall.  I hope not, since manyo of the crops in my gardens and the local farms here in the North Country need several weeks of moderate temps and dry weather to mature properly.  Of course, growers up and down the east coast are dealing with similar conditions, but it doesn't make it any easier when you see the crops you spent the summer coaxing along languish in these cool rainy conditions.  There was a fine whine, but there's plenty more of the same vintage.  Stay tuned for the first snowfall.

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