Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Another in a series

Of beautiful days, that is.  Except for the slightly later appearance of the sun each morning and the slight chill in the air, it could be a day in late July or early August.  We should have bright sunshine and a high in the upper 70s.  It's too bad we had so much rain during the past several weeks, as it is now showing up as damage to lettuce and leaf crops.  Instead of finishing the season on an optimistic note, many growers are either contacting their crop insurance providers or simply discing fields which are too damaged to harvest.  The cascade of red ink will continue for many as they plan next year's acreage and varieties.  I keep trying to start these posts optimistically, but the reality of the situation in the farming areas gets in the way, and I wind up with doom and gloom scenarios.  If we only had another month of good weather, we might be able to turn this thing around.  But we know the first freeze is right around the corner, so let's just enjoy one day of sunshine and hope the miserable forecast for the rest of the week is not accurate.  Carpe diem.

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