Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sloppy weather continuation

As nice as the weekend and Monday were, today and the rest of the week are promising to be the flip side of glorious autumn weather.  Rainy, drizzly and just warm enough to tease you into thinking your last crops will make before the inevitable freeze.  Without sunshine, the temp. is not enough.  Besides, the whole dreary depressing mess hurts my attitude.  Every grower is totalling their losses for the season and no one is happy at the moment.  Tempers are short and both customers and brokers spar over pricing.  Usually the grower will cave to make a sale, but at this point, some will go out and disc a field rather than compromise on the price.  From their point of view, they have bent double all year, trying to satisfy customers.  The other point of view is they failed more often than not and they need to suck it up and give a few dollars to the poor wholesaler who has not had the packages running through his warehouse all year and as a result won't be able to trade in his 2 year old Lexus for next year's model. 

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