Friday, September 30, 2011

Rainy redux

There was another 1 1/4 inches of rain in the gauge this morning, and the culvert which shunts the flow from one side of our road to the other was carrying a pretty heavy flow.  I guess it will be another mudfest tonight and tomorrow as I try to harvest for the market.  I did notice the spinach planted during the last week of August will be ready to harvest tomorrow.  It would look good on the cover of a seed catalog.  It is a real rush when you realize that everything went right from the moment you planted the seed until harvest.  The seemingly endless thinning, weeding, not to mention the soil prep all seem worthwhile when the rows close and you gaze over a seamless green carpet.  I used to feel sad when I actually had to harvest, as it disrupted the perfection, but I'm so over that.  All the fall greens look beautiful at this point, and only a light frost is predicted for next week, so the fun continues.

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