Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Floods and Fires

Just received an e-mail from my sister-in-law regarding the recent flooding in Vermont.  It sounds horrific.  She belongs to a CSA which is located on a small river.  River valleys are where most of the decent soil in the Northeast is located.  Unfortunately, by their very nature they are also the most flood prone.  These plucky farmers are trying to cope, but the weather is definitely against them at this time of year.  There is no recovering warm season crops, and even the cool crops need sunshine to mature before the freeze that is sure to come.  They are having a benefit party in October and I wish them well.  Meanwhile, in Texas, I would be  tempted to say the judgement of Dog is upon them, if I was religiously inclined.  The fire next time has already burned an area the size of Connecticut so far this year, and it shows no sign of slowing up.   Many winter crops that Texas plants between now and Christmas are in danger due to lack of water.  The aquifer which most of S. Texas depends on is in decline and without a tropical storm, there won't be enough water to grow the winter crops.  If these two disparate events are a preview of future weather, we are in for a wild ride.  But not to worry.  The Republicans have an answer to global climate change.  Let them eat cake, because veggies will be too expensive.

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