Thursday, September 29, 2011

Food Scares

13 people dead from cantaloupes so far and this story could play out for another couple of months.  The trouble with our food distribution system was pinpointed by one of the guys in the office this morning.  He said, what if Grimmway ( the world's largest baby carrot producer) had a similar problem.  You would be talking about thousands of deaths, simply because this one processor has the power to reach millions of people in a relatively short period of time.  Of course the difference is the melon farm was selling a raw product, but it still went through a wash process where it picked up the listeria bacteria.  This will inevitably lead to more regulations which will concentrate the food production and distribution  industry into fewer and fewer hands.  Soon, the tiny farmers' markets will come under more scrutiny, as consumers demand more protection from food borne contaminants.  Orwell's vision of the future is coming to a supermarket near you in the guise of consumer protection.

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