Sunday, September 11, 2011


Planted my last spinach today.   I guess that was my way of commemorating the 10th anniversary of BinLaden's successful plot to freak out America and begin the slide to where we find ourselves today.  Instead of a national call to unite and call out AlQueda for the criminals they are, we began a 10 year War  on Terror which has exhausted the national bank account and sapped our will.  The only people happy with this are the terrorists and defense companies.  What a legacy the Bushies have left.  Over 3000 innocent people who went to work one morning and never came home.  A moment of silence is the least we can do in their memory.  It's a shame we couldn't come up with a better memorial than a pointless war in Iraq which has killed hundreds of  thousands of Iraqis.  Anyway, no more planting for this erstwhile farmer this year.  I put in the last lettuce transplants on Saturday, but the weather needs to stay fairly warm between now and the middle of October, or they will never mature. Columbus day is the last Farmer's Market in Plattsburgh, so we will have to be done by then.   Unless the local food co-op buys my surplus like they did last year. 

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