Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Rainbow's end

As the sky gently weeped on my windshield this morning, a gorgeous rainbow deleloped to the west.  I don't know how long it was present before I noticed it, but it was certainly a spirit booster.  It faded, but was replaced by it's twin facing the north.  I will take it as a good omen for the rest of the week.  Flying Spaghetti Monster knows we need all the good portents possible as we head into fall and winter.  The weather over the east coast spinach growing areas has been horrendous for weeks now and the possibility of a good crop seems pretty remote.  We have had good weather here for a couple of weeks, but the damage was already done to our fall crops, so everyone here is in damage control mode.  I doubt the average shopper confronted with the bounty available at their local chain store realizes the heroic efforts farmers and shippers are making to keep the shelves full.  For that matter, the typical produce buyer is equally ignorant of the frantic scramble to patch weather damaged shipping windows.  I guess that is the particular genius of the distribution system we take for granted.  At least until the highway infrastructure crumbles as we cut taxes and ignore the need for repair. 

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