Friday, September 16, 2011

Another week in the trenches

Well, another week is done, and it seems like the veg deal can't get out of its own way.  Lettuce is cheap and no one wants it.  People want romaine, but it is not good so we can't ship.  Peppers are dear in Canada and cheap in the US and no one seems to want them anyway.   The spring mix deal is ugly, and the harvest conditions are horrible for all crops.  The cilantro deal was hot and we had no volume.  Now we have it, but the color is gone due to heavy rains so no one is interested.  There are no happy faces in the office and it will only get worse until the weather puts this deal out of its misery.  The best thing about 2011 will be when it is over.  Let's go 2012 !

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