Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day?

Reading Paul Krugman's blog reminds me of what a world of hurt the American working class is in.  Pummeled by capital, ignored by the political class and attacking its would be defenders, it looks like we will all be Walmart greeters in the coming decades.  I remember in the 70s and 80s how we were entering the post industrial revolution and were being told it was not important to manufacture stuff anymore.  The information society was the ticket to future prosperity.  But something happened on the way to utopia.  The Chinese and Indians not only took over much of the manufacturing we outsourced, they also began supplying the information much more cheaply than Americans could.  From all the call centers that migrated to Bangalore to now software engineers who work for the equivalent of American minimum wage we have sold our future for a handful of plastic crap at Target.  The only thing we can't outsource is actual hand's on health care and construction.  Amazingly, these are the biggest employers. Duh!  The politicians, especially Democrats pay lip service to labor, but they are more interested in big donors than industrial policy.  Until and unless we get serious about making things in this country, labor day will continue to be a punchline.

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