Monday, September 19, 2011

Another rainy week forecast

At least it was a beautiful weekend.  No frost, so the warm season stuff will probably hang on for at least another couple of weeks.  Most of the tomatoes are eaten up by blight, so they will be slim pickings, but the lettuces still seem robust and the peppers  are still sizing.  Unfortunately, the rains will resume starting tonight.  Some of the gardens are so saturated at this point the carrots are starting to rot from excessive moisture.  The same heavy soil that helped keep them alive during the worst of the drought is now causing 10-15% of the carrots to start rotting from the tips.  The same soil is not bothering the broccoli and cauliflower and corn planted next to the carrots, so the longer root system of the carrots are their downfall.  Did not plant anything this past weekend for the first time since April!  Feels wierd, but at the same time cathartic.  Time to move on.

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