Friday, September 23, 2011

First Day of Autumn

Around here, the first day of fall could also be the first snowfall of the season, but today starts clear with temps in the upper 50's.  Looks  like we will avoid rain this weekend which will allow farmers to get in needed fieldwork.  The recent bad weather has taken its toll on most veg crops and lettuce however, so there will be loss of yield and lots of grading to make a saleable package.  The markets for most crops remain depressed considering the lack of supply.  In my gardens, which remain pretty wet, there is some decay in the carrots and spotting in cauliflower.  The spinach is up and down, depending on how well the soil drained.  In lighter soil, it is growing like gangbusters.  In heavy ground, not so much.   The  kale and collards are doing really well.  Now if we had some customers for them...but I guess most North Country residents are not into eating their greens.

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