Friday, February 28, 2020

Doubling Down

     The president*s decision to put Mike Pence in charge of the coronavirus response in the US seems like advertising the decision to leave the American public defenseless in the face of what looks to be a pandemic which may rival the Spanish Flu of  1918.   Not only is Pence not the sharpest knife in the drawer.  He also bases many of his decisions on a particularly ignorant strain of Catholicism which he seems to practice avidly.
     As I pointed out yesterday, the coronavirus is the first crisis to hit us since 2016 that was not of this administration's making.   The bungled response to Hurricane Maria doesn't count, unless you live  in Puerto Rico.   Since only about 3 million brown people live there, most Americans discount anything that happens in the Commonwealth.   However, when cases of Covid19 start popping up all over the lower 48, many people wearing MAGA hats are going to start reappraising their support for Cheetolini if the government response is to ask for prayers.  Meanwhile, the 1% saw several trillion dollars of their wealth get flushed on Wall St. this week.  If a robust, scientific assault on the problem is not forthcoming, they may also revise their opinion of tRump.   As many have pointed out, the Emperor has no clothes on and now the rest of the population is about to see that ugly reality.

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