Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Technology and grumpy old men

       I freely admit this blog is probably the apex of my use of technology.  I still haven't figured out how to share it to my facebook page, depending instead on my brother to post it to his page.  That's probably a good thing as he has far more friends than I do.
      Ring doorbells, phone apps, and even wrestling with computer problems are things I don't even like to contemplate.   I am a spectator of the technological revolution, or at least a wary participant.  Now comes the technology editor of the NYT to tell me that many of the surveillance apps and other heralds of the coming dystopia either don't work well enough to deploy or are actually worse than a police lineup for purposes of identification.   This probably should not be comforting, but to a grumpy old technophobe it made my morning.

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