Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Political Forecast--Cloudy with a chance of Democratic socialism

     We can cross New Hampshire off the electoral calendar until 2024.   The little state which insists its 90% white population can mirror the democratic party's diverse composition did little to burnish that image last night.  Instead of voting for a person of color or a woman, the top two candidates were a grumpy old self proclaimed socialist and a bland young white man some pundits now refer to as "Mayo Pete".   Of course, republicans are thrilled by the turn of events in the Granite State.
      To those of us who are checking out the possibility of Canadian citizenship if tRump wins another 4 years of chaos, I would say all is not lost.  Bernie may not be my idea of the ideal candidate, but democrats could do a lot worse.   For one thing, it would be nice to watch the Bernie Bros. go into full attack mode on tRump and his followers.   For another, for those of you who fear Bernie's "revolution", if you check out his career you will find someone whose performance as a mayor and a legislator over 40 years is that of a skilled compromiser who can get things done.  His most fanatic followers may be disappointed, but the rest of us will get a democratic president who will govern in a far more hospitable way than the current president*.
      It is still a long slog to the nominating convention and anything can happen, but I wouldn't discount Bernie at this point.

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