Monday, February 10, 2020

Winter notes

    It is snowing again in the North Country as I write this.   Only a couple more inches added to the foot or so we got last week, but the accumulation of several weeks of intermittent snow means there is probably 15-18 inches on the ground in the Champlain Valley and much more in the mountains.  Fortunately we will have several days of warmer weather this week which will melt some of the mess.
     We haven't had a severe winter so far.   It has only been below zero a handful of times since the start of 2020.   According to many climatologists, this area of the country will be one of the last to experience what a warming climate will do to native species of plants and animals.  However, we are seeing more and more signs we are catching up to the rest of the world in this respect.  

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