Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Maybe today

     I haven't seen the returns from Dixville Notch yet.   This "first in the nation" primary's first voters (all 12 of them) are  supposed to give us clarity as to who the presidential candidates should be.  Forgive my skepticism, but Hillary won 4-0 in 2016 and look at the final result.
     In a campaign where the wild card, Mike Bloomberg is willing to spend north of a billion dollars in just the primary season, the retail politics for which New Hampshire is famous may be out of date today.   Sure, Bernie is likely to win and his backers continue to pour millions into his campaign, but New Hampshire is still virtually the start of a long and grueling contest as long as several other candidates with the resources to compete continue to do so.
     Today' winner will get the media spotlight, but the rest of the cast will pack their bags and head to Nevada and South Carolina where the contest will continue.  

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